Focomediasharing is a sharing platform for non-commercial purposes of short videos, PowerPoints,

texts, audio, music,  pictures, or a combination of these, be prepared for specific events* or to be

published on social networks and that the authors make available free of charge.

You can also recommend third-party products that are consistent with the aims of this site. Any such

material, however, must conform to and respect copyrights and privacy legislation.

All those documents can be downloaded and used for non-commercial purposes,

provided that they are used in accordance with the Focomediasharing objectives

If, without our knowledge, a problem would arise regarding to copyright , we ask you to let us

know as soon as possible, in order to immediately proceed with the elimination of that document.

Your contributions, subject to the necessary requirements, will always be welcome.

*For the events section we only share material from past events excluding announcements and invitations for future events  


Write to us copying the following address in your mail contacts : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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