The original text was adapted by Luk Magnus, adding "Lord, make US an instrument of your peace"

This poem attributed to St Francis was used on December 10, 2023 during the interreligious prayer for peace, organized by the Focolare Movement in collaboration with the Shia comunity of Dr Shomali in greater Montreal.
There's a link between St. Francis and Chiara Lubich, the founder of the Focolare Movement.
Chiara's given name at birth was Silvia, and as a tertiary of the Franciscan order she took the name of Chiara the saint who followed St. Francis in his poverty and choice of God. St. Francis was a precursor of the protection of the planet and of inter-religious dialogue. Let's just remember that 800 years ago, during a crusade war, he asked to visit Sultan Malik Al Kâmil in Damietta, Egypt, with whom he managed the impossible, i.e. to establish a fraternal relationship with a man who, for Westerners, was an enemy. This meeting inspired Pope Francis in his encyclical "Fratelli tutti".

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